好闷啊有点像berlin school那帮人拍的东西take itself so seriously...看不了这种arthouse空镜啊drone shots啊靠特写动作传递情绪啊可能work for othersnot for me视角一直在变谁是主角谁是villain一直在变因此就真的can't connect to anyone以及很容易显得不平衡当然都是故意的咯vlxx就是不要让观众identify anyone大家都有问题大家又都值得同情okay fine而且这片子真的太长了不过就是想说masculinity bad patriarchy bad; social, class and gender conforming is suffocating, sure但最根本的冲突驱动力是masculinity吗还是明明是每个人的嫉妒也没讲清楚rose为啥就那样了而george这工具人后面就一直失踪...Thomasin McKenzie出演一个完全可有可无的工具人纯是为了增加星光吧更显出这片子的废篇空间
tre to en, theres not so many ‘would have done’ in real life/boys live inside the fantasies, soft, o’ wild/the obsessive matching of the sync, lying to oneself? maybe/but let it grow in thee